And now a change of topic: the Shakers go west

There is a blog called We’re History that offers historical insights written by historians for the general public. I occasionally contribute. Today’s post was mine, about the Shaker missionaries to Kentucky in the winter of 1805. It’s quite a little adventure that helped make the Shakers among the most successful communal groups in American history. You can get to it by following this hyperlink.

Shakers performing one of their famous dances during worship

Shakers performing one of their famous dances during worship

9 thoughts on “And now a change of topic: the Shakers go west

      1. Brian Bixby Post author

        A possible future topic. Mind you, I’m not an expert on that topic, because the experts can even tell which village a Shaker chair came from!


    1. Brian Bixby Post author

      Though they apparently never did better than 30 miles in one day. That Issachar Bates could do it is no surprise. But Youngs . . . it’s a wonder Bates didn’t have to carry him sometimes!


      1. crimsonprose

        30 miles. And I was congratulating myself on 11. Though if I didn’t have to change 3 buses to get to the start of the walk, I’d be able to make an earlier start. Even so, the target is only 15 by the end of summer (it’s what I used to do pre-CFS.)


      2. crimsonprose

        Brilliant. And neither did I do it all in a leap. My first outing I had rest-breaks every 100 yds. My daughter (my walk-partner) was exceedingly patient with me. I think she was just pleased I hadn’t given in to the CFS. But it was a close thing. Amazing the difference just so far this year.

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